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The Good File: 2

Ok, not gonna lie, this week was tough. Remember, though, that not everything is bad. Here's your Good File for the week.

NY subway riders erase Nazi graffiti.

Lady Gaga at the SuperBowl

84 Lumber commercial

Appeals court refuses DOJ request to restore muslim ban.

Coca-Cola Commercial!!!!

The Museum of Modern Art shelves western pieces in favor of art from banned countries. Each piece has a card talking about the ban and affirming 'the ideals of welcome and freedom'

200,000 people delete their Uber app causing the CEO to leave Trump's economic council.

Budweiser commercial

96 US companies sign amicus brief against Muslim ban.

DJT vows to support NATO

Senate Dems hold the floor for 24 hours to try to convince Republicans to put children before politics.

Senate Dems hold the floor overnight to oppose Sessions


TJ Maxx and Marshalls mix Ivanka's clothes with the riffraff and toss out her brand signs.

North Carolina law limiting Gov. Roy Cooper's powers blocked by judges

SNL having most watched season in 22 years.

Harvard Book Store dedicates "Bowling Green Massacre' section

Nordstrum stock up 4% after Trump split

CREW files ethics complaint to OGE over Conway's comments that people should go out and buy Ivanka's clothes.

Court does NOT reinstate the muslim ban.

Raucous Town Hall In Utah Blasts GOP Rep. Chaffetz Over Trump.

6 New England football players refuse to visit the White House

DJT decides NOT to start a war with China over Tibet.

I hope that gives you a recharge. You should also feel free to check out the Self-Care page for some completely unqualified advice about taking care of yourself in these trying times.

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